RocketHub pays all product owners listed in the Marketplace on a QUARTERLY basis as noted in our terms after the 30 day refund window has passed for each purchase.
2023 Payout Dates:
Q1-2023 = May 10th
Q2-2023 = Aug 10th
Q3-2023 = Nov 10th
Q4-2023 = Feb 10th 2024
2024 Payout Dates:
Q1-2024 = May 10th
Q2-2024 = Aug 10th
Q3-2024 = Nov 10th
Q4-2024 = Feb 10th 2025
2025 Payout Dates:
Q1-2025 = May 10th
Q2-2025 = Aug 10th
Q3-2025 = Nov 10th
Q4-2025 = Feb 10th 2026
This timeline ensures the following:
1. you are paid for the entire quarter as no refunds should be applicable by the payout date for products sold during the prior quarter.
2. to the extent possible, all refunds, disputes / chargebacks, and fraudulent transactions are reconciled. Please note chargebacks / fraud disputes can occur AFTER you have been paid for prior period's sales in which case the amount will be debited from subsequent payouts.
3. easier and clear reconciliation; your total payout will equal sales generated during the respective quarter.
Minimum Payment Threshold:
You must have a minimum $100 in sales for the quarter to receive a payment. If you do not, no payment will be sent and earnings will be recalculated the next quarter.
- Marketplace Overview -
- Marketplace Submission -
- Marketplace vs. Exclusive Deals -
- Marketplace Listings Payout Schedule -
If you have any marketplace-related questions, please reach out to our Marketplace team at